This approach is probably highly illegal but when taking a look from the other side you will see that the condom company is concerned about high levels of teenage pregnancies.
With recent reports showing that one out of four teenage girls has an STD and the high level of teenage pregnancy, we believe that Miley is both influential and relatable to this afflicted set - and is the obvious choice to get the message of safe sex out to teens across America.”
Now that sounds different!
LifeStyles condoms is offering Miley Cyrus $1 million and a lifetime supply of condoms to be the company’s spokesperson.
So that’s alright then?
According to a press release, LifeStyles supports Miley’s decision to remain a virgin until she’s married and doesn’t want her to become another Jamie Lynn Spears. The release states:
With teenage pregnancy running rampant throughout the U.S., LifeStyles Condoms wants to ensure that Miley Cyrus and her legions of loyal fans don’t become just more statistics.”
The lifetime supply of condoms comes in only after Miley decides the time is right to lose her v-card, so she wouldn’t actually be promoting how great the condoms are, since she wouldn’t know with her lack of experience.