Saturday, 29 November 2008

Look Who Has a Crush on Carrie Underwood

When people talk about the love life of country superstar Carrie Underwood they usually mention her brief romance with Dallas Cowboys star quarterback Tony Romo and his girlfriend Jessica Simpson. Thankfully this latest report has nothing to do with the triangle, but it does appear that Carrie may have another famous fella looking to be a possible new suitor.
Look Who Has a Crush on Carrie Underwood (Image: Wenn)

A report from Star has this, "If Carrie Underwood's budding romance with Travis Stork doesn't work out, there's another Bachelor who'd be happy to take his place - Andy Baldwin. Yes, another veteran of the ABC series might have eyes for Carrie.

The report notes that the reality show hunk and U.S. Navy lieutenant has had a crush on Carrie for ages, and cites a inside source for the information. The source adds, "But Travis got to her first." Recently, "Andy even dedicated a song to Carrie on the radio."

Will this be the latest triangle for Carrie Underwood? At least it would be sort Tony and Jessica and for many fans of the American idol winner that would be a welcome relief.


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